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As you may well imagine, it takes many wonderful people to help something like this happen.

If you would like to volunteer in any way, big or small, please let us know. You all have expertise in areas that can be of great value, and there are no requirements.

If you have the inclination, just let us know and pitch in and help, both before the convention and during the festivities. All help is greatly appreciated!

EMail Michael Gerard to volunteer your time to the Convention.

Hi Gang:

I guess now I have to think again. Hmmm.

It has been quite a challenge to pull this together, but I have had wonderful help. Christine Graham has worked very hard to launch the website by 2000, and she did it! There was lots of code to be sure. I am very proud of what has happened so far on this project, and more good things are on the way to being announced.

Watch the website for additions often. Soon the pre-registration site will be replaced by the "real" site complete with e-forms for signing up for varied activities and events. We have received lots of interest and pre-registration forms since kickoff on 12/31/99, and this is quite encouraging.

We hope to have regional members support by organizing caravans for the drive here. Tell your pals with 928s. Check with some owners you see from time to time. Ask your mechanic who owns 928s and LOVES them. Spread the word. I want pictures of the line of 928s pulling into Wichita this July. I will drive out, meet you and join in!

We also will be needing Concours judges, and Ed Ruiz is coordinating that. Ed may have a post soon about his needs in this regard, but he has great plans for what will be a memorable 928 experience.

At the event we will need volunteers to help with registration and coordination. Additionally, many of you have special talents and knowledge. If you would like to help out, please contact Michael Gerard who is coordinating the volunteer effort. What a perfect match for that job, thanks Michael. You can reach him from the email links on this website, or by email direct, Michael Gerard.

A quick "Thank You" to members of the 928OC-IC Commitee, interested parties and helpers to date. This list includes Leonard Laub and the Founders of the OC, Ed Ruiz (Founder) with his help and interest in the Concours (look over the site as this will be a "928 style" event!).

Philip Adamson (Founder) from New Zealand provides some OC artwork. David Roberts (Founder) for his early support and commitment to attend. Kim Crumb (Founder) for his wholehearted support. Phil Tong (Founder) for all the great things he does for 928ers.

Greg Yocom, Scott Tychsen, Terry Morris, Chester Bailey and all of the Wichita Region PCA for their production of the Hallett Track DE and support of the entire program. Mo Zahr for the Tech Session with a panel of 928 experts. Michael Gerard for handling volunteer duties. Gary Carpenter puts on the Automobilia Moonlight Car Show and Street Party (watch the site for new pictures of past years events).

Mark Anderson of 928 International. Marc and Susan (Kirby) Thomas of DEVEK. The Austin Gang for their support and volunteer help; Christine, James Morrison, Jerry Gebhard, Jim Stadter, Chris Perez and more. Sterling Gee in Dallas. Walt Konecny in Salt Lake City. David Lloyd, Mark Kibort, JP Rodkey, Rich Andrade, Ken Postma, Louie Ott, Don Hanson, Roger Woodbury, and a host of others.

This event has truly been designed for 928ers by 928ers. You had better come and check out the goodies.

Marc White
Event Chairperson

In the near future this page will have a listing of all Committee members and Volunteers that have helped shape and organize the thought of one individual into the Event of 2000!

Check the Event Links for more information
and details as they are made available.

If interested in finding out more information about the WRPCA click the logo link.

Wichita PCA Link

Owners Club Link

Disclaimer: Neither 928 Owners Club, 928oc.org, 928OC-IC.com, have affiliation with Porsche AG, PCNA, PCA, or Porsche Cars North America. All trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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